Discover our white papers


The digital asset tax guide 🇫🇷

From digital asset taxation basics to the tax treatment of each operation (staking, lending, NFTs, airdrops, Play2Earn, mining, farming, …).

In a 70-page whitepaper co-authored by Orwl Avocats and Waltio’s legal experts, you’ll find all the essential information for understanding the taxation and treatment of each operation.


The belgian guide of digital asset taxation🇧🇪

Discover the fundamentals of cryptocurrency taxation in Belgium in this 24-page white paper, written in collaboration between Avroy Avocats and Waltio jurists.

You will find all the information you need to fully understand the taxation of each Belgian investor profile.


The spanish guide of digital asset taxation

Discover the basics of cryptocurrency taxation in Spain in this 20-page whitepaper, developed in collaboration between Cripto Servicios and Waltio’s lawyers.

You will find all the information you need to perfectly understand the taxation for each profile of Spanish investors.