Legal informations

 Legal Informations

The website is edited by the company SAS WALTIO, with a capital of 20 721,18 €, registered at the RCS of Clermont-Ferrand under the number B 847 535 655 (intracommunity VAT n° FR06847535655), code Ape 5829C, whose head office is located 22 Allée Alan Turing, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France).


General director and Co-founder  : CHEVALLEREAU Benjamin

2. The WALTIO website is hosted by :, Inc. Customer Service PO Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226 (888) 280-3321

Contact us at by email :

By mail  : SAS Waltio , 22 Allée Alan Turing, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Personal data


In general, you can visit our site without having to declare your identity and without providing personal information. However, registration to the site is conditioned by the communication of an email address. We may also ask you for information in order to provide you with personalized support or to complete a transaction and offer a better service. The information collected is kept for the duration of the subscription to the Services offered on Waltio and is intended for the customer service and sales department.

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés”, you can exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting us at this address:






This Terms of Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) is a legally binding contract that shall govern our relationship with our users and others who may interact or interface with Waltio Company (the “Company”) and our websites and (the “Site).


The Company provides users with software hosted remotely and made available via the Internet as well as the associated technical support. The software aims at allowing the user to gather all his transactions made in cryptocurrencies and to fulfill his tax obligations. 


The main objective of the software is to allow users to gather all their transactions related to cryptocurrencies and fulfill their relevant tax obligations according to their local fiscal residence. 


Waltio doesn’t designate an accounting service within the meaning of the French law of January 17, 1948 and the decree of July 19, 1948. Current regulations do not allow the Company to provide tax or financial advice or any other support that could be assimilated to the practice of law. 


Waltio’s support is limited to technical assistance for the use of its solution. The Company tries to not confuse users between its services and services that are similar to the practice of law, which the Company does not offer.


Users shouldn’t be confused between Waltio’s services and services similar to the practice of law, which the Company does not offer. 



Article 1 – Purpose



 The purpose of the Site is to make available to any user of the Site (“the User”) the services listed in Article 2 (the “Services”).

The present Terms are addressed to all Users and are intended to define the terms and conditions for the provision and use of the Site and the Services offered by the Site.

The acceptance of these terms is formalized during the creation of a user account. 

By accepting these terms, the User agrees to receive communications for informational purposes from the Company. The User may revoke their consent at any time by following the unsubscribe links provided in the communications or by accessing their User profile.”

This acceptance can only be full and complete. Any conditional acceptance is considered null and void.

The User who does not agree with these Terms and Conditions must not use the Services.




Article 2 – Services

The Company provides Users with publicly accessible information on government websites of the states supported by the tool, particularly information on the declaration of income from crypto-assets.

2.1. Free Services

The Company offers the following services for free:


a. The “Free” plan, accessible for up to fifty (50) transactions, includes the consideration of all types of operations supported by the Company, year-by-year portfolio tracking, automatic generation of the analysis report, customer service via chat/email, and access to the following documents:

  1. Access to the Site’s interface for information necessary to declare taxable operations as per the conditions outlined in Article 150VH bis of the General Tax Code on the income tax return form 2086 for French residents or as per the regulations and laws applicable in the Belgian or Spanish state ;


  1. Access to the Site’s interface for information necessary to declare foreign-held accounts in the context of the form 3916-3916bis of the annual income tax return for French residents ;

  2. Access to a real-time portfolio tracking service (dashboard), allowing users to view the updated total value of their portfolio for simplified tracking of its performance.


b. The “Labeling Service” allows users to input digital asset transactions by adding APIs from supported exchange platforms or wallets through the Site or manually importing files, followed by labeling each transaction for tax records.

c. The “Information Service” provides tax information through various means. Upon using these services, users may be connected with a professional from the Company. The Company reserves the right to make modifications or updates to the offered services, and technical specifications may change at the discretion of the Company.

2.2. Paid services

2.2.1 Standard Plans

The Company offers various plans available through annual seasonal and renewable subscriptions (“Plan”) under the conditions outlined in Article 5.

a. The “Starter” Plan, accessible for up to one thousand (1000) transactions, includes consideration of all types of operations supported by the Company, year-by-year portfolio tracking, automatic and intelligent correction of warnings, automatic generation of the analysis report, priority customer service via chat/email with a response time of less than 72 hours, and access to the following documents:

  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare taxable transactions in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Article 150VH bis of the General Tax Code on the income tax return form 2086 for French residents or as per the regulations and legislation applicable in the Belgian or Spanish state ;

  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare foreign-held accounts in the context of the form 3916-3916bis of the annual income tax return for French residents ;

  1. Ability to download the tax certificate, allowing the proper reporting of taxable gains, attesting to the conducted operations, and including the overall realized profit or loss; 

  1. Access to a real-time portfolio tracking service (dashboard), providing an updated visualization of asset values and their allocation by market capitalization, facilitating the monitoring and management of the portfolio. This service notably includes:

  • Access to a detailed breakdown of the portfolio by token and platform, offering a granular view of the assets held ; 

  • Visualization of the portfolio’s CeFi/DeFi allocation, indicating the proportion of tokens stored on centralized platforms (CeFi) versus those stored on decentralized wallets (DeFi) ; 

  1. Access to the Opportunity service, enabling the evaluation of the portfolio’s risk level, with indicative scores to better understand the risk profile and optimize asset management.


b. The “Smart” Plan, accessible for up to ten thousand (10,000) transactions, includes similar features as the “Beginner” plan with additional documents and functionalities.


  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare taxable transactions in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Article 150VH bis of the General Tax Code on the income tax return form 2086 for French residents or as per the regulations and legislation applicable in the Belgian or Spanish state;


  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare foreign-held accounts in the context of the form 3916-3916bis of the annual income tax return for French residents;


  1. Ability to download the tax certificate, allowing the proper reporting of taxable gains, attesting to the conducted operations, and including the overall realized profit or loss ; 


  1. Ability to download the asset stock sheet for tracking the digital asset inventory and its value over time, the General Ledger to justify calculations and diligences performed, along with the annex of the annual capital gains declaration with the pre-filled form 2068 containing the figures to be communicated to the French tax administration or the figures to be communicated for any other state of fiscal residence ;


  1. Ability to download an export of all operations imported into Waltio (backup) ;


  1. Option for manual synchronization of operations and transactions – limited to one monthly synchronization ; 


  1. Support service for completing Form 721, mandatory for Spanish tax residents to declare their digital assets held abroad, in compliance with the requirements of the Agencia Tributaria. This service assists the user in collecting and organizing the information required for the declaration, without substituting their legal obligations ; 


  1. Access to a real-time portfolio tracking service (dashboard), providing an updated visualization of asset values and their allocation by market capitalization, facilitating the monitoring and management of the portfolio. This service notably includes:

  • Access to a detailed breakdown of the portfolio by token and platform, offering a granular view of the assets held ; 

  • Visualization of the portfolio’s CeFi/DeFi allocation, indicating the proportion of tokens stored on centralized platforms (CeFi) versus those stored on decentralized wallets (DeFi) ; 


  1. Full access to advanced portfolio optimization services, grouped under the ‘Opportunities’ service, including the sub-sections ‘Fees and Purchase Prices’ and ‘Passive Yields.’ These services are designed to maximize asset management and profitability in real time, and include the following features:

  • Exit Strategy Planning: The user can access analyses and recommendations to develop an optimized exit strategy for their assets, aiming to maximize gains at the time of sale. This feature considers market trends and liquidity conditions ; 

  • Transaction Fee Optimization: A real-time price comparison tool allows the user to view the most advantageous transaction fee rates across various platforms. This service includes tracking of fees already paid, enabling proactive cost management ; 

  • Passive Yield Optimization: The user is provided with an overview of passive income opportunities, such as staking or lending. They can access current interest rates (APY) for each token and receive recommendations to maximize passive yields based on market conditions ; 

  • Access to Real-Time Exchange Rates: The user benefits from access to the best available exchange rates for buying and selling digital assets, with comparative analysis across platforms to optimize transactions.


The user is informed that the features offered by the ‘Opportunities’ service are provided for informational and decision-support purposes only. The recommendations and analyses provided do not constitute financial advice, and the user remains fully responsible for their investment, transaction, and portfolio management decisions.”


c. The “Unlimited” Plan includes an unlimited number of transactions, consideration of all types of operations supported by the Company, year-by-year portfolio tracking, automatic and intelligent correction of warnings, automatic generation of the analysis report, priority customer service with chat, and a response time of less than 24 hours. It also includes the following documents and features:

  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare taxable transactions in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Article 150VH bis of the General Tax Code on the income tax return form 2086 for French residents or as per the regulations and legislation applicable in the Belgian or Spanish state ;


  1. Access to the Site’s interface for the necessary information to declare foreign-held accounts in the context of the form 3916-3916bis of the annual income tax return for French residents ;


  1. Ability to download the tax certificate, allowing the proper reporting of taxable gains, attesting to the conducted operations, and including the overall realized profit or loss ; 


  1. Ability to download the asset stock sheet for tracking the digital asset inventory and its value over time, the General Ledger to justify calculations and diligences performed, along with the annex of the annual capital gains declaration with the pre-filled form 2068 containing the figures to be communicated to the French tax administration or the figures to be communicated for any other state of fiscal residence ;


  1. Ability to download an export of all operations imported into Waltio (backup) ;



  1. Option for manual synchronization of operations and transactions unlimited ;


  1. Support service for completing Form 721, mandatory for Spanish tax residents to declare their digital assets held abroad, in compliance with the requirements of the Agencia Tributaria. This service assists the user in collecting and organizing the information required for the declaration, without substituting their legal obligations ; 


  1. Access to a real-time portfolio tracking service (dashboard), providing an updated visualization of asset values and their allocation by market capitalization, facilitating the monitoring and management of the portfolio. This service notably includes:

  • Access to a detailed breakdown of the portfolio by token and platform, offering a granular view of the assets held ; 

  • Visualization of the portfolio’s CeFi/DeFi allocation, indicating the proportion of tokens stored on centralized platforms (CeFi) versus those stored on decentralized wallets (DeFi) ; 


  1. Full access to advanced portfolio optimization services, grouped under the ‘Opportunities’ service, including the sub-sections ‘Fees and Purchase Prices’ and ‘Passive Yields.’ These services are designed to maximize asset management and profitability in real time, and include the following features:

  • Exit Strategy Planning: The user can access analyses and recommendations to develop an optimized exit strategy for their assets, aiming to maximize gains at the time of sale. This feature considers market trends and liquidity conditions ; 

  • Transaction Fee Optimization: A real-time price comparison tool allows the user to view the most advantageous transaction fee rates across various platforms. This service includes tracking of fees already paid, enabling proactive cost management ; 

  • Passive Yield Optimization: The user is provided with an overview of passive income opportunities, such as staking or lending. They can access current interest rates (APY) for each token and receive recommendations to maximize passive yields based on market conditions ; 

  • Access to Real-Time Exchange Rates: The user benefits from access to the best available exchange rates for buying and selling digital assets, with comparative analysis across platforms to optimize transactions.


The user is informed that the features offered by the ‘Opportunities’ service are provided for informational and decision-support purposes only. The recommendations and analyses provided do not constitute financial advice, and the user remains fully responsible for their investment, transaction, and portfolio management decisions.”


  1. Access to the documents of the “tax audit” service, allowing the download of documents to be submitted to the tax authorities in the event of an audit ;


  1. Access to the documents of the “bank repatriation” service, enabling the download of documents to be submitted to banks in case of requests for fund justifications.

2.2.2 Additional Services


Additional services are offered in addition to subscribing to a standard plan, hereinafter referred to as “Additional Services.”


These Additional Services are not independent and cannot be subscribed to without a standard plan. They are considered included in your total subscription and will be renewed each year at the price mentioned herein, in addition to the standard plan price, on the renewal date specified in Article 5.


Cancellation of the renewal of an Additional Service also results in the effective cancellation of the standard subscription. The termination of the subscription to a standard plan subscribed with an Additional Service leads to the termination of both the subscription and the Additional Service.


a. Additional Service “Human Review”:

This service includes a comprehensive analysis of the Waltio account by an expert. The data added by the user is reviewed by the expert to provide either:


A document outlining all recommendations to be executed, enabling the resolution of warnings and anomalies detected on the user’s account, or

Validation of the account based on the data provided by the user.

As part of this service, the expert may perform certain operations on the user’s account to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the tax report. These operations, carried out to address technical constraints, are conducted with the aim of ensuring compliance. However, the user is informed that they remain solely responsible to the tax authorities, and the company cannot be held liable under any circumstances.


For any initial subscription, the maximum completion time for the Service is five (5) weeks during the tax season and three (3) weeks outside of this period. The user is informed that if an Additional Service subscription is made less than four (4) weeks before the closing date of their tax declaration in their country of residence, the completion of the Service before this deadline cannot be guaranteed. No refunds will be provided if the Service is not completed within this timeframe for this reason.

In the case of annual Service renewal, work related to the User’s account will begin on January 1st of the year following the renewal and will be completed before the end of the tax season


b. Additional Service “Full Service”:

This service includes:

  • Complete management of the user’s account ;

  • Accurate tax report based on the data provided by the user ;

  • Certification of the work performed on the account on the blockchain ;

As part of this service, the expert performs operations on the user’s account to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the tax report. These operations, carried out to address technical constraints, are conducted with the aim of ensuring compliance. However, the user is informed that they remain solely responsible to the tax authorities, and the company cannot be held liable under any circumstances.

The User is thus provided with an account free from warnings and anomalies.

For any initial subscription, the maximum completion time for the Service is five (5) weeks during the tax season and three (3) weeks outside of this period. The User is informed that if an Additional Service subscription is made less than four (4) weeks before the closing date of their tax declaration in their country of residence, the completion of the Service before this deadline cannot be guaranteed. No refunds will be issued if the Service is not completed within this timeframe for this reason.


In the case of annual Service renewal, work related to the User’s account will begin on January 1st of the year following the renewal and will be completed before the end of the tax season.


Article 3 – Access to the Site and Services

3.1 Access to the Site

The Services are available (subject to the restrictions provided on the site):

– to any natural person with full legal capacity to commit under these terms and conditions.  The Site is not accessible to minors and any minor accessing the Services will be presumed to be acting under the authority of his parents or legal guardian.

– any legal entity acting through a natural person who has the legal capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of the legal entity.


 3.2 Creation of an Account

To use the Services, the User must register on the site by filling out the form provided for this purpose.

The User must provide all the information marked as mandatory. Any incomplete registration will not be validated. 

Registration automatically leads to the opening of an account in the User’s name (the “Account”), giving him/her access to a personal space that allows him/her to manage his/her use of the Services in a form and according to the technical means that the Company deems most appropriate.

The User may access his Personal Space at any time after having identified himself using his login and password.

The User IDs are confidential and constitute proof of identity on the Site and when using the Services. The password of the Account can be modified by the User and will never be claimed by the Company.  

The Account is strictly personal and the User is forbidden to share it, lend it or transfer it to any person whatsoever, including any person making tax returns for the same tax household. It is the User’s responsibility to take the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized or fraudulent use of his/her Account.

The Company cannot be held responsible in the event of identity theft when using an Account.

In the event that the User notices or suspects an unauthorized or fraudulent use of his access, he must immediately contact the Company at the address mentioned in the preamble of the present document. The User acknowledges the Company’s right to take all appropriate measures in such a case.

3.3 Accuracy of the information provided by the User

The User has to complete all the fields of the registration form and the creation of his Account with sincerity. In this respect, the User must provide accurate and complete information.  

The User has to update this information in his Personal Space in case of modifications, so that it always corresponds to the above-mentioned criteria.

The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage suffered by the User due to the erroneous or incomplete nature of the Information provided.

3.4 End of the Services

These Terms are accepted by the User and take effect on the day of the creation of his Account for an indefinite period. They remain applicable for the entire period during which the Company allows the User to access the Services.

The User may at any time unsubscribe from the Site, through his profile on the Site or by simple request to customer service at Unsubscribing leads to the automatic and immediate termination of the Subscription to the Paid Services (Article 5).

As soon as the User has unsubscribed, he/she will no longer have access to the Services offered by the Company. 

All of the User’s Information and personal data will be automatically deleted from any Company database.


Cancellation of the Subscription will result in the end of access to the paid Services under the conditions set out in Article 5.


Article 4 – Price

The price of the Services is listed on the Site.

The paying Services’ formulas are proposed to users and are subject to the acceptance of a tacitly renewable season subscription that can be canceled by the User from his customer space.

Unless otherwise stated, prices are expressed in euros and include all French taxes.

The Company reserves the right, at its own discretion and according to the terms and conditions of which it will be the sole judge, to propose promotional offers or price reductions.


 4.1 Price Review

The price of the Services may be revised by the Company at any time, at its entire will. The User will be informed of such changes by the Company by email at least one month before the new prices come into effect.

The User who doesn’t accept the new prices must terminate his use of the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Article 3. Otherwise, the User will be deemed to have accepted the new prices.


4.2 Invoicing and payment terms

The Services are subject to invoices that are communicated to the User by any useful means. The price payment method of the Services are described on the site or on the quotation.

The User is free to choose the method of payment that suits him/her.

Secure payment by direct debit using the User’s credit card number: The direct debit is implemented by the payment provider designated on the site, which alone retains the User’s bank details for this purpose. 

The Company uses the resources of a payment provider to ensure the quality and security of online payment. The Company uses the company Stripe whose privacy policy is available here. The payment service provider collects Personal Data concerning your means of payment (credit card number, expiry date of the credit card, visual cryptogram etc.) during an online payment. Waltio Company doesn’t keep any bank details.

Secure payment by cryptocurrency: The User can choose the payment method “Payment by crypto” by CoinBase or by sending cryptocurrency directly. The User is redirected to the secure crypto payment interface to send the payment to the Company’s digital wallet address. Cryptocurrency payment does not give access to the Subscription provided in Article 5.

Payment by cryptocurrency is irrevocable. Only the cryptocurrencies mentioned at the time of payment are accepted by the Company.

The User is responsible for the potential network transaction fees of the chosen cryptocurrency.

The User is responsible for transferring the correct amount, the Company will not be able to return a transaction with insufficient and incomplete amount at its network charges.

The Company may refuse to deliver the Service if the full amount of the Service has not been received in full.

The Company reserves the right to add or remove the ability to use a particular cryptocurrency at any time by simply editing the payment page.

The exchange rate of the cryptocurrency to the Euro currency shall be the one effective at the time of payment by the User to the Company.

The User guarantees to the Company that he/she has the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method. The User undertakes to take the necessary steps to ensure that the full price of the Services can be collected.


 4.3 Payment incidents

The User is informed and expressly accepts that any delay in payment of all or part of an amount due on its due date will automatically lead, without prior notice, to :

-the forfeiture of all payment due by the User and their immediate payment ;

-the immediate suspension of the Services in progress until full payment of all amounts due by the User ;

-the invoicing to the benefit of the Company of a late payment interest at the rate of 2 (two) times the legal interest rate, based on the amount of the totality of the sums due by the User.


4.4 Refund Policy

A refund may be requested by the User if two (2) cumulative conditions are met:

  • No upload of tax documents;

  • Maximum delay of seven (7) days between subscription to the Subscription and the refund request.

Regarding Additional Services:

A refund may be requested due to the absence of deliverables within a period of two (2) months from the subscription to the Service.

A refund may also occur at the initiative of the Company for various reasons:

  • Poor quality of imported data; 

  • Absence or inadequacy of imported data;

  • Technical constraints related to the impossibility of supporting a platform or a type of operation;

  • A significant number of operations that cannot be supported;

  • Operations involving delisted or nonexistent assets;

  • Inability to meet specified deadlines due to a substantial and exceptional workload or the complexity of the User’s account.


This list is not exhaustive. In general, the refund of the service may occur at the discretion of the Company without the need to provide justification.


Article 5 – Commitment period and subcription

Paid services are offered through the commitment of a seasonal subscription, hereafter referred to as “the Subscription,” with automatic renewal. 

Cryptocurrency payment does not grant access to the Subscription. 

Additional Services, offered as supplements, are also subscribed to through a Subscription and are dependent on the chosen Plan. The cancellation of the renewal of an Additional Service also results in the effective cancellation of the standard subscription. The termination of the subscription to a standard Plan subscribed with an Additional Service leads to the termination of both the subscription and the Additional Service.


Services are accessible for the duration of the ongoing tax season from the subscription date until the end of the season. The seasonality is renewed each year on October 1st. 

The Agreement takes effect from the User’s subscription date. 

The Subscription takes effect for a period running until the following October 1st. The Subscription is then automatically renewed on October 1st for a duration of one year until the new tax season. 

The Company reserves the right to revise the amount of fees at each renewal, notifying the User through any means and adhering to a 30-day notice period.


Any started period is billed in its entirety. Contract renewal is tacit and automatic, unless terminated by the User following the provisions outlined herein. The User can terminate the Subscription without any notice. 

In case of termination, the Company will cease future withdrawals. In no case does termination release the User from the obligation to pay any amounts that may be due to the Company for the period preceding the effective date of termination.


A renewal information notice will be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article L.215-1 of the french Consumer Code. After termination, the User will continue to have access to the Services until the end of the ongoing tax season, i.e., until January 1st of the following year.

Article 6 – Responsibilities and Obligations of the User

The User agrees to use the Services in accordance with the rules of use and technical restrictions indicated on the Site and/or indicated by the Company.

Without prejudice to the other obligations set forth herein, the User agrees to comply with the following obligations:

The User is responsible for the proper completion of all administrative, fiscal and/or social formalities and for all payments of contributions, taxes or duties of any kind that are incumbent upon him/her, where applicable, in connection with his/her use of the Services. The Company shall not be held liable in any way in this respect.

The User acknowledges that he/she has read the characteristics and constraints of all the Services, particularly the technical ones, on the site. He is responsible for his use of the Services. The User is informed and accepts that the implementation of the Services requires that he/she be connected to the Internet and that the quality of the Services depends directly on this connection, for which he/she is solely responsible.

The User is also responsible for the relationships he/she may establish with other Users and for the information he/she communicates to them in the context of the Services. It is the User’s responsibility to exercise due care and discretion in these relationships and communications. The User also undertakes to respect the usual rules of politeness and courtesy in his exchanges with the Company.

The User agrees to make strictly personal use of the Services. Consequently, the User shalln’t assign, grant or transfer all or part of his rights or obligations to a third party.

The User agrees to provide the Company with all the information necessary for the proper performance of the Services. The User agrees to regularly consult his Account and to take note of all communications sent to him by the Company. He also agrees to cooperate actively with the Company for the proper functioning of the Services.

The User is solely responsible for the content of any kind (editorial, graphic, audiovisual or other, including the name and/or image possibly chosen by the User to identify him/her on the site) that he/she disseminates within the framework of the Services (the “Content”).

The User guarantees to the Company that he/she has all the rights and authorizations necessary for the distribution of this Content. The User undertakes to ensure that the said Content is legal, does not infringe public order, public morality or the rights of third parties, does not violate any legislative or regulatory provision and, more generally, is not likely to give rise to any civil or criminal liability on the part of the Company.


The User agrees, in his use of the Services, to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to harm the rights of third parties or public order.

The User is thus forbidden to distribute, in particular and without this list being exhaustive :

Pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking or unsuitable for a family audience, defamatory, insulting, violent, racist, xenophobic or revisionist Content, counterfeit Content, Content damaging the image of a third party, Content that is untruthful, misleading or that proposes or promotes illegal, fraudulent or deceptive activities, Content that is harmful to the computer systems of third parties (such as viruses, worms, Trojans, etc. ), and more generally Content that may infringe the rights of third parties or be prejudicial to third parties, in any manner or form whatsoever.

In the event that the Company observes such a situation, it reserves the right to suspend or even interrupt the provision of the Services, without prior notice and without the User being able to claim any compensation or indemnity in this respect.

The User acknowledges that the Services offer an additional but not alternative solution to the means he/she already uses to achieve the same objective and that this solution is not a substitute for these other means.


The User undertakes to inform the Company as soon as possible by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt of any request, complaint, legal action, directly or indirectly related to the Company.


Article 7 – Liability and Warranty of the Company

The Company undertakes to provide the Services diligently. It is being specified that it has only an obligation of means, to the exclusion of any obligation of result, which the Users expressly acknowledge and accept.

The Company does not offer any legal or tax advice. The Services and information shall in no way be a substitute for consultation, diagnosis or advice and services offered by duly authorized professionals in these matters.

The Company has no knowledge of the Content put online by the Users within the framework of the Services, on which it does not perform any moderation, selection, verification or control of any kind and with respect to which it acts only as a hosting provider.

Consequently, the Company cannot be held responsible for Content, the authors of which are third parties, and any possible claim must be directed in the first place to the author of the Content in question. Content that is prejudicial to a third party may be notified to the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Article 6 I 5 of french Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, with the Company reserving the right to take the measures described in Article 10.

The Company shall not be held liable for any error, inaccuracy, approximation or omission in any Information communicated by the User.

 The Company shall not be responsible in the event of an adjustment by the tax authorities following an erroneous declaration made on the basis of numbers or information obtained on the Site or through the Services.

In the event that the Company’s liability is sought due to a User’s failure to comply with any of his obligations under these Terms, the User shall be required to indemnify the Company for any judgment against him, in addition to the costs, including procedural costs.

The Company declines all responsibility in case of possible loss of information accessible in the User’s Personal Space, the User having to save a copy and not being able to claim any compensation for this. The Company shall not be responsible for the accidental deletion of the Information by the User.

The Company undertakes to carry out regular checks to verify the operation and accessibility of the site. In this respect, the Company reserves the right to temporarily interrupt access to the site for maintenance purposes. The Company shall not be held responsible for any difficulties or temporary impossibility of accessing the site due to circumstances beyond its control, force majeure, or due to disruptions in telecommunications networks.


In any event, the liability that may be incurred by the Company under the present terms is expressly limited to direct damage suffered by the User.

Article 8 – Data protection

8.1 Collection of personal data

The personal data collected on the Site are the following: e-mail address. 

8.1.1 Opening and creation of an account

The creation of an account is a prerequisite to any order on the Site. To this end, the User will be asked to provide his/her email address. 

In the context of the Tailor-made Support formula, the User will have to provide a certain amount of personal information such as his email address, his name, his first name, his telephone number, this list not being exhaustive. As such, the User agrees to provide accurate information. The User is responsible for updating his data.

The User registered to the Site has the possibility to access it by connecting thanks to his identifiers (e-mail address defined during his registration and password). The User is entirely responsible for the protection of the password he/she has chosen. He is encouraged to use complex passwords. 

If the User forgets his or her password, he or she may generate a new one. 

This password guarantees the confidentiality of the information contained in his account.

8.1.2 Payment

Within the framework of the payment of the Services offered on the Site, the Company doesn’t keep the banking data.

8.2 Recipients of personal data

The personal data are reserved for the sole use of the Company.

8.3 Data protection officer

The data protection officer (DPO) controller is responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing personal data.

The data controller is the Company, within the meaning of the Data Protection Act and as of 25 May 2018 of Regulation 2016/679 ( RGPD) on the protection of personal data.

Furthermore, the User is informed that the following person has been appointed as Data Protection Officer: Emilie Jurdic. She can be contacted at the following address:

8.4 Limitation of processing

Unless the User expressly agrees, personal data will not be used for advertising or marketing purposes.

8.5 Data retention period

The Company will keep the collected data for a period of five (5) years, covering the period of limitation of the applicable contractual civil liability.

 8.6 Security and confidentiality

The Company implements organizational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and the Company cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet

8.7 Implementation of the rights of Clients and Users

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, the Users of the Site have the following rights:


-Update or delete their data in the following way: by sending a request to the email address

-Delete their account by writing to the email address indicated in article 8.3 “Data protection officer”.

-Exercise their right of access to know the personal data concerning them by writing to the address indicated in article 8.3 “Data protection officer”.

-Request the portability of data held by the Site to another provider

-Oppose the processing of their data by the Site

 These rights, if they do not oppose the purpose of the processing, can be exercised by sending a request by mail or email to the Data Protection officer indicated in Article 8.3.

The Data Controller must respond within a maximum of one month.

In case of refusal to grant a User’s request, reasons must be given.

The User is informed that in the event of refusal, he/she may lodge a complaint with the CNIL (3 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris) or refer the matter to a judicial authority.

Article 9 – Right of withdrawal

The non-professional User has a right of withdrawal that can be exercised within fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of the contract pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code.


However, in order to benefit from the immediate execution of the services offered by the Company and, in particular, to receive the documents provided exclusively in digital format, the User is invited to expressly waive his/her right of withdrawal, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 221-28 of the french Consumer Code. The User must inform the Company of this and the tax report can only be delivered to him after a period of fourteen days from the order.

Article 10 – Intellectual Property Rights

 The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, databases, etc.) used by the Company within the Site are protected by all intellectual property rights or database producers’ rights.


Any disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extraction, reuse, copying and more generally, any act of reproduction, representation, distribution and use of any of these elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of the Company are strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

Article 11 – Penalties for non-compilance

In the event of a default of any of the provisions of these Terms or, more generally, a failure of the laws and regulations by a User, the Company reserves the right to take any appropriate action and in particular to:

-suspend or unsubscribe the access to the Services of the User, author of the violation or infringement, or having participated in it,

-remove any content posted on the site,

-publish on the site any information message that the Company deems useful,

-notify any authority concerned,

-initiate any legal action.

It’s expressly provided that the suspension of access, whether temporary or definitive, does not entitle the User or third parties to damages or compensation. 


More generally, each party reserves the right to terminate at any time the contract relating to the realization of the Services in case of non-compliance by the other party of any of its obligations under these Terms, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed from the defaulting party.

Article 12 – Links and third-party sites

The Company shall in no way be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties (including its possible partners) to which the User may have access through the site.

The Company assumes no responsibility for the content, advertising, products and/or services available on such third-party websites and mobile applications, which are governed by their own terms of use.

The Company is not responsible for the content produced by its Partners.


The Company is also not responsible for transactions between the User and any advertiser, professional or merchant (including any of its partners) to which the User may be directed through the site and shall not be a party to any disputes with such third parties concerning the delivery of products and/or services, warranties, representations and other obligations of any kind to which such third parties are bound.

Article 13 – Modifications

The Company reserves the right to modify at any time the present Terms.

The User will be informed of these modifications by any useful means within one month.

The User who doesn’t accept the modified general conditions must unsubscribe from the Services in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 3.


Any User who uses the Services after the entry into force of the modified general conditions is deemed to have accepted these modifications.

Article 14 – Governing Law

The present general conditions are governed by French law. 

In the event of a dispute between the Company and a User of a nationality other than French, the dispute may be brought before the national judge of the defendant.

In the event of a dispute concerning the validity, interpretation and/or execution of these general terms and conditions, the parties agree that the courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction to rule on the matter, except in the case of mandatory procedural rules to the contrary.

In the event of a translation of these terms and conditions into one or more languages, the language of interpretation shall be the French language in the event of a contradiction or dispute as to the meaning of a term or provision.

Update :  December 2024